Moderniteten som permanent liminalitet?

Dansk sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Bjørn Thomassen.

På baggrund af den netop udgivne bog, Liminality and the Modern. Living Through the In-Between, vil Bjørn Thomassen diskutere, hvilken rolle ’liminalitet’ måtte have for samfundsvidenskaberne og den sociologiske tænkning.

Liminalitet -et begreb, oprindelig udviklet inden for antropologien- betegner de historiske øjeblikke, hvor den sociale orden, der normalt tages for givet, pludselig forsvinder. Begrebet om ”liminalitet” er relevant for studiet af revolution, men også for en mere generel begrebsliggørelse af forandring og samfundstransformation.  På et metateoretisk plan kan man derfor diagnosticere modernitetens væsen som en særlig form for ”permanent liminalitet”.

Liminality and the Modern. Living Through the In-Between, Ashgate, 2014

Om Bjørn Thomassen:

Bjørn Thomassen is associate professor at the Department of Society and Globalisation (Global Studies and ‘Samfundsvidenskab’). Bjørn works broadly across the social and political sciences. Research areas and interests include urban studies, cultural and political dimensions of globalisation, nationalism, identity & memory politics. He is generally interested in anthropological approaches to political and social change, including the study of political revolutions. Regions of specialization: Italy, Southern Europe, the Mediterranean area, Europe.

Andre nyere bøger:

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  • “Anthropology and social theory: renewing dialogue”, in European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2), 2013, 188-207.
  • “Modernity as Spiritual Disorder: Searching for a Vocabulary of Social Pathologies in the work of Eric Voegelin” , in A. Pedersen and K. Keohane (eds.) The Social Pathologies of Contemporary Civilization, Ashgate, 2013, pp. 43-62.
  • “Notes toward an anthropology of political revolutions”, in Comparative Studies in Society and History, 54 (3), 2012, 679-705.
  • “Émile Durkheim between Gabriel Tarde and Arnold van Gennep: founding moments of sociology and anthropology”, in Social Anthropology 20 (3), 2012, 231-249.
  • “Anthropology and its Many Modernities: When Concepts Matter”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18, 2012, 160-178.

Tid: Onsdag d. 8. oktober 2014, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

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