Sammenkomst for gamle sociologer

Kære alle gamle sociologer med studiestart fra 1963-1973! Vi er en gruppe, der igennem nogen tid har arbejdet på at invitere gamle sociologer til en sammenkomst. Der er nu lykkedes for os at samle en del adresser på nogle af Jer. Derfor planlægger vi et heldagsmøde med gamle sociologer Tid: Lørdag den 24. september 2016 […]

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Nordic Working Life Conference 2016 – Call for papers

The Nordic working life research community will come together in Tampere (Finland), 2-4 November 2016. We’d like to remind you that that the call for papers remains open until 15 March 2015 ( ). The organizers will underline broad understandings of working life and stress the multidisciplinary nature of the conference. Approaches based on the […]

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Berlin Summer School in social sciences

Linking Theory and Empirical Research Berlin, July 17 – 28, 2016 We are delighted to announce the 6th Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences. The summer school aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research. The two weeks’ program creates an excellent basis for the advancement of […]

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Pre-Conference Workshop at the Nordic Sociological Association Conference in Helsinki

Pre-Conference Workshop at the 28th Nordic Sociological Association Conference, 10th of August, 2016, Helsinki: Call for Applications Knowledge-making practices under scrutiny: Creolizing theory and method in social sciences The 28th NSA Conference focuses on the theme Knowledge-Making Practices and Sociology’s Global Chal- lenge. The conference has a dazzling group of keynote speakers: Professors Raewyn Connell, […]

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NSA 2016 Helsinki: Extended deadline for Call for Abstracts & Registration now op

Knowledge-Making Practices and Sociology’s Global Challenge The 28th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association 11-13 August, 2016 University of Helsinki, Finland CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: EXTENDED DEADLINE!   The deadline to submit an abstract for a paper to be presented at the next conference of the Nordic Sociological Association has been extended to March 22, 2016. (This will be the definite deadline.) […]

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Re-embedding the Social: New Modes of Production, Critical Consumption and Alternative Lifestyles

SASE 2016 Mini Conference:—berkeley/mini-conferences_fr_232.html Location: Berkeley, University of California Date: June 24-26, 2016 Mini-conference organisers: Francesca Forno, Paolo R. Graziano, Lara Monticelli, and Torsten Geelan Extended abstract: approx. 1000 words to be submitted through the SASE website, clearly stating that you wish to be considered for this mini-conference Expected output: edited collection or […]

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Call for Papers for the 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (ISA RC33) at the University of Leicester (United Kingdom)

Conference Date: September 11th – 16th, 2016 Submission Deadline for Papers: 21st January, 2016 Session Topics There will be sessions on a broad range of methodological topics ranging from the following topics: 1. Survey Methodology and other QUAN Approaches 2. QUAL Methods 3. Mixed Methods 4. New Data Types 5. Methods for Longitudinal and Comparative […]

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