Danish sociology conference 2018
Deadline for submission of abstracts are extended to November 20.
The Danish Association of Sociology and the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics hereby invite anyone interested to the Danish sociology Conference in 2018.
The conference takes place on January 25 and 26, 2018, at the University of Southern Denmark, Campus Esbjerg, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, 6700 Esbjerg.
Conference theme: Community, Cohesion and Exclusion in Diverse Societies.
Key notes:
Michael Woolcock, World Bank’s Development Research Group, Washington, D.C. and Harvard University
Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Professor of Anthropology, University of Oslo.
Elena Zdravomyslova, Professor of Sociology, European University, St. Petersburg.
Cultural/religions diversity, inequality and social cohesion are currently very hot topics in political and other public debates. In part this is due to waves of migration within recent decades but also to an increased focus, in the media and political debates, on rural-urban problematics, including unequal regional development and depopulation on rural areas. In both public debates and in a good deal of sociological publications cultural and social diversity is often addressed as a question of dichotomies, for instance between cosmopolitan and more local perspectives. Besides, what researchers and others often refer to as a partial transition from the welfare state to the competition state has also resulted in renewed public and scholarly attention to relationships between states and citizens, between public and private sectors and to inequality, personal responsibility and incitement to work. sonligt ansvar og incitament,
The role of sociology is to bring a certain level of nuance into such debates but also to shed light on how globalization, migration, political restructuring and political discourses influence national and local communities, relations of trust, social identity processes and not least relations between citizens, states, markets and civil societies. We invite anyone who is interested to participate in the conference of the Danish Association of Sociology with papers and sessions that address such themes from different angles, including empirical studies and theoretical perspectives on the creation and maintenance of social communities. Session and papers on other sociological topics are also welcome.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of individual abstracts: November 20.
Deadline for submission of session proposals: November 20.
Notification on acceptance of abstracts and sessions: November 24.
A proposal for a session should include a title, a short presentation of the session and its theme, the name of the organizer, the name of all presenters (a minimum of three presenters are required for a session), and individual abstracts of the presenters. Abstracts that are submitted as part of a session do not need to be submitted individually.
Both individual abstracts and proposals for sessions should be sent to sociologikongres@sam.sdu.dk
NB: Most of the sessions will probably be in Danish