
Tidsskriftet Dansk Sociologi fylder 25 år

I den anledning er Sociologisk Institut ved Københavns Universitet vært for en festlig eftermiddag torsdag den 30. oktober 2014 med en paneldebat om sociologiens position og rolle i samfundet under titlen:

Forskning i verdensklasse, samfundets vagthund, bureaukraternes forlængede arm? Debat om dansk sociologi i dag og fremover.


  • Gösta Esping-Andersen, professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
  • Christian Borch, professor, CBS
  • Peter Gundelach, professor, Københavns Universitet
  • Martin Munk, professor, Aalborg Universitet
  • Bente Halkier, professor, RUC

Vi lægger op til en livlig debat med kritiske indspark fra panelet og efterfølgende debat fra salen. Efterfølgende bydes der på drinks og snacks.

Programmet for dagen er som følger:

15.15-15.30: Velkomst v/ institutleder Janus Hansen

15.30-17.00: Paneldebat

17.00-19.00: Reception

Arrangementet foregår i Christian Hansen Auditoriet på CSS, Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 København K, bygning 34. Lokalet kan ses her: csc.ku.dk/bygninger_og_adresser/css/

Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 34 er ved indgang “O”.

Arrangementet er åbent for alle interesserede og kræver ikke tilmelding.
Dansk Sociologis jubilæumsnummer (3/2014) udkommer umiddelbart op til arrangementet og rummer bl.a. et antal indlæg i relation til debatten. Det vil være muligt at købe tidsskriftet på dagen.

Vi glæder os til en festlig dag! Redaktionen bag Dansk Sociologi


Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Mitchell Dean.

The Signature of Power expands the analysis of power beyond its current widespread limitation, within sociology and the social sciences, to diverse and localized social relations, found in governance, networks or civil society, and its exclusion or diminution of law, sovereignty, state, and their rituals and symbols. Contrary to this, the idea of a ‘signature of power’ stresses a reversibility between two changing poles: power to and power over, power as capacity and power as right, juridical-sovereignty and economic management, reign and government.  It explores this signature through three perspectives: that of Michel Foucault’s genealogy of power and government, Carl Schmitt’s political theology, and Giorgio Agamben’s theological genealogy of economy and government. It argues that each of them tries and fails to escape the signature of power, but in the process that we learn about the renewal of both the study of power and the social sciences.  This renewal includes a focus, inter alia, on public-ness and publicity, legitimacy, ceremony, acclamation and symbols, and the theological elements of the most rationalized of political and economic forms.

Om Mitchell Dean

Mitchell Dean is Professor of Public Governance at Copenhagen Business School and Professor of Sociology, University of Newcastle, Australia.  He is the author of Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society (Sage, 1999, 2nd revised edition, 2010) and has recently published The Signature of Power (Sage, 2013). He has held the Chair of Sociology at Macquarie University, Sydney, and was Dean of the Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy there between 2002 and 2008. Among his many works is the first national application of governmentality studies, Governing Australia: Studies in Contemporary Rationalities of Government (Cambridge University Press, 1998), co-edited with Barry Hindess, and the monographs Governing Societies (Open University Press, 2007), Critical and Effective Histories (Routledge, 1994) and The Constitution of Poverty (Routledge, 1991).  A new book, State Phobia and Civil Society: the Political Legacy of Michel Foucault, co-authored with Kaspar Villadsen, will be shortly published with Stanford University Press.

Tid: Onsdag d. 17. september 2014, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.


Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne!

Nyhedsbrev fra Dansk Sociologforening, september 2014

Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Mitchell Dean.

The Signature of Power: towards an analytics of power for the social sciences

The Signature of Power expands the analysis of power beyond its current widespread limitation, within sociology and the social sciences, to diverse and localized social relations, found in governance, networks or civil society, and its exclusion or diminution of law, sovereignty, state, and their rituals and symbols. Contrary to this, the idea of a ‘signature of power’ stresses a reversibility between two changing poles: power to and power over, power as capacity and power as right, juridical-sovereignty and economic management, reign and government.  It explores this signature through three perspectives: that of Michel Foucault’s genealogy of power and government, Carl Schmitt’s political theology, and Giorgio Agamben’s theological genealogy of economy and government. It argues that each of them tries and fails to escape the signature of power, but in the process that we learn about the renewal of both the study of power and the social sciences.  This renewal includes a focus, inter alia, on public-ness and publicity, legitimacy, ceremony, acclamation and symbols, and the theological elements of the most rationalized of political and economic forms.

Om Mitchell Dean

Mitchell Dean is Professor of Public Governance at Copenhagen Business School and Professor of Sociology, University of Newcastle, Australia.  He is the author of Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society (Sage, 1999, 2nd revised edition, 2010) and has recently published The Signature of Power (Sage, 2013). He has held the Chair of Sociology at Macquarie University, Sydney, and was Dean of the Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy there between 2002 and 2008. Among his many works is the first national application of governmentality studies, Governing Australia: Studies in Contemporary Rationalities of Government (Cambridge University Press, 1998), co-edited with Barry Hindess, and the monographs Governing Societies (Open University Press, 2007), Critical and Effective Histories (Routledge, 1994) and The Constitution of Poverty (Routledge, 1991).  A new book, State Phobia and Civil Society: the Political Legacy of Michel Foucault, co-authored with Kaspar Villadsen, will be shortly published with Stanford University Press.

Tid: Onsdag d. 17. september 2014, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.


Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne!

Derudover er vi ved at planlægge yderligere 3 foredrag, der annonceres så snart vi har aftalerne helt på plads.


På CBS afholdes der også spændende foredrag under overskriften “Research Colloquium on Crowd Dynamics and Financial Markets”.

Se oplysninger om foredragene her:



Sommerhøjskole i 2015

Næste år i 2015 har Sociologforeningen 50 års jubilæum. I den anledning arbejder et udvalg under bestyrelsen på at lave en sociologisk sommerhøjskole. Sommerhøjskolen henvender sig til alle med interesse for sociologi. Projektet er stadig undervejs, og hvis nogen har lyst til at bidrage med ideer til indhold, er de meget velkomne til at henvende sig.


En ny artikel publiceret i den britiske sociologforenings tidsskrift (Sociology) undersøger udviklingen i nordisk sociologi i publicerede artikler med hensyn til, om der publiceres på baggrund af teori, kvalitativ metode eller kvantitativ metode. Artiklen viser, at nationale tidsskrifter (Dansk Sociologi og Sosiologia) i højere grad end det engelsksprogede skandinaviske tidsskrift (Acta Sociologica) publicerer teoretiske og kvalitative artikler. Artiklen foreslår, at denne skævhed hænger sammen med de vanskeligheder, som kan være forbundet med at oversætte kvalitative data mellem kulturer og nationale sammenhænge, mens kvantitative metoders standardiserede sprog lettere ”rejser” mellem kulturer. I en tid med stigende fokus på internationale publikationer kan denne skævvridning have markante konsekvenser både for den enkelte forskere og for sociologiinstitutioner mere generelt i Norden.

Artiklen er skrevet af Jani Erola (Turku Universitet, Finland), David Reimer (Aarhus Universitet), Pekka Räsänen (Turku Universitet, Finland) og Kristoffer Kropp (Københavns Universitet).

Artiklen finder du her: soc.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/08/19/0038038514542495


Crisis and Social Change: Towards Alternative Horizons. Postgraduate Conference.

Call for Papers. Deadline Monday July 21st.

Organized by the Department of Sociology, Cambridge University

Date: Sep 26-27, 2014

Venue: Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Sciences, Free School Lane, Cambridge, CB2 3RQ

This conference moves beyond crisis as a category of diagnosis and critique to explore alternative horizons, raising fundamental questions about the nature and extent of ruptures and continuity in the contemporary social world.

We are motivated by the generational need to draw upon the legacies of critique, while shifting toward the production of alternative futures.

From diagnosis to treatment. From deconstruction to reconstruction. From negation to vision. From crisis to progress. Such is the responsibility of our Age, from which positive social change might rise.

We welcome contributions from researchers, activists, artists, and professionals from across the world on the following topics, though this list is by no means exhaustive, and we are keen to receive contributions on other topics aligned with the conference theme:




We have also introduced a soapbox session within the Conference programme and encourage speakers to participate. For the natural orators out there, the soapbox session provides you with the opportunity to stand up for 2 minutes and air your fiery, risky, extravagant and controversial views on the following question: WHAT IS RADICALISM?

The conference is organized by PhD students from the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge. To give attendees time to explore the city’s history and socialise, the conference will be held over two days.


We are pleased to announce our three distinguished keynote speakers

– Professor Greg Philo (School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow),

– Professor Emeritus Goran Therborn (Faculty of Human, Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge)

– Professor Ted Benton (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Essex)


The conference will also host two plenary panels on the following


Plenary panel 1: The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses

Chair: Professor Andrew Gamble

Dr. Rowan Williams (tbc)(Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge), Professor Larry King (Dept. of Sociology, Cambridge), Professor John Kelly (Dept. of Management, Birkbeck), and Dr. Jeff Miley (Dept. of Sociology, Cambridge)

Plenary panel 2: Mobilisation, Social Change and Revolution

Chair: Barrister Dexter Dias QC

Professor P.G Klandermans (Dept. of Applied Psychology, University of Amsterdam), Emeritus Reader in Sociology Dr. David Lane (Dept. of Sociology, Cambridge), Professor Jane Wills (Dept. of Geography, Queen Mary University of London) and Dr. Manali Desai (Dept. of Sociology,



Paper presentation: abstract (300 word max.) and biography (100 word max.)

Poster presentation: abstract (300 word max.) and biography (100 word max.)

Soap box presentation: abstract (100 word max.) and biography (100 word max.)


The deadline for the submission of abstracts is Monday, July 21st 2014.

There is no registration fee.

All abstracts must be submitted by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first):


Successful applicants will be informed by July 31st, 2014.

The selected applicants are expected to submit an outline of their presentation (or the power point slides) by September 1st, 2014


Awards will be given for Best Paper, Best Poster and Best Soap Box Presentations at the end of the Conference in recognition of originality and excellence. The Organising Committee also plans to publish selected papers of the highest quality in a special issue of a UK journal or as an edited volume.


For further details on our distinguished keynote speakers and plenary panelists please visit www.towardsalternativehorizons.wordpress.com,

email the organising committee at towardsalternativehorizons@gmail.com

or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/events/850509748311055


Foredrag ved Rasmus Willig, RUC, 20. maj 2014.
Flere nulevende sociologer og filosoffer mener at ”dampen er gået af samfundskritikken”, eller den er blevet ”tandløs” eller ligefrem er ”reduceret til nostalgi”. ”Det ikke længere samfundets skyld, men min egen skyld”. Sådan er der flere som tænker og det betyder at den traditionelle samfundskritik er blevet til selvkritik. Nu er det ikke længere de herskende klasser som anklages for samfundets uretfærdigheder, men de enkelte individer, som ikke er selvansvarlige og som ikke kan forvalte deres talenter, færdigheder eller evner. Foredraget sætter ord på, hvordan der er sket en u-vending af kritikken og hvilke konsekvenser det får for både samfund og individ.
Rasmus Willig, Ph.d. er tidl. formand for Dansk Sociologforening og lektor ved Institut for Samfund og Globalisering, Roskilde Universitet. Han har blandt andet skrevet bøgerne (2007) Til forsvar for kritikken, (2009) Umyndiggørelse. Et essays om kritikkens infrastruktur og (2013) Kritikkens U-vending. Har desuden tidligere redigeret og skrevet introduktion til blandt andet Axel Honneth (2003) Behovet for anerkendelse, (2006) Kamp om anerkendelse og (2005) Sociale Patologier (med Marie Østergaard). Alle på Hans Reitzels Forlag. København. Han har skrevet for dagbladet Information og var en af arkitekterne bag Politikens kritiker- og debattørskole.


Foredrag ved Annette Olesen, Syddansk Universitet, 2. april 2014.
I Danmark hæfter domfældte i straffesager for de nødvendige omkostninger, der er medgået til behandlingen af deres sag. Disse udgifter består bl.a. af forsvarssalær, udgifter til tekniske undersøgelser, DNA-analyser og lægeerklæringer. Idømmes domfældte en fængselsstraf, løslades pågældende til en offentlig gæld, der ofte virker som en uoverskuelig og ubetalelig ekstra straf. Gældssituationen påvirker de løsladte forskelligt. De løsladte, der forsøger at leve kriminalitetsfrit, oplever i højere grad de negative følger af gælden, hvorimod de løsladte der genoptager en kriminel løbebane gerne udvikler alternative handlingsstrategier, der kompenserer for de negative følger af gælden.
Annette Olesen (1982), cand. scient. soc. og ph.d. (jura), adjunkt på Juridisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet. Hendes ph.d.-afhandling “Løsladt og gældsat” danner baggrunden for oplægget.


Call for papers for Meeting of Slovene Sociological Association »Economy and Society« which will be held between 24th and 26th of October 2014 in Bohinj, Slovenia.

The organisers invite you to submit paper proposals for the international panel of the meeting. Paper proposals could be linked to one of the meeting streams or related to different aspects of the meeting theme and the intersecting problems and topics. You will find the list of streams below and at the website:http://www.sociolosko-drustvo.si/english/.

Abstracts should be about 300 words and provide the information on paper title, contact details (author(s) affiliation, postal address, phone number and e-mail address), main issue to be raised, analysed or discussed in the paper, including a brief background, approach (theoretical / conceptual or empirical) and type of methodology (qualitative / case study or quantitative),   main thesis or findings and a conclusion expected from the analysis.

Send your abstract (as word or pdf attachment) to panel coordinators: aleksandra.kanjuo-mrcela@fdv.uni-lj.si  and nbandelj@uci.edu.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1st July 2014

Panel coordinators will rank all abstracts and inform successful applicants by 25th July 2014.

After the conference the organisers will submit a selection of conference papers to a review procedure for a thematic special issue of the scientific journal Theory and Practice (http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/en/journals/science-journals/teorija-in-praksa).

Authors who are interested in possible publication are invited to submit full papers. 

The deadline for paper submission is 26th September 2014


Kindest regards,

Prof. Milica Antić Gaber

President of Slovene Sociological Association



Dear all

It is now possible to register for participation in The 19th Nordic Demographic Symposium.

As announced, the symposium takes place in Aalborg, Denmark from the 18th to the 20th September and the theme of the symposium is Regional development with a focus on rural areas.

Please visit the symposium website for more information on the registration process. The webpage is also updated with information on the program and the key note speakers as well as on accommodation.

Further, it is still possible to submit an abstract to the symposium. We hope that a few more people will consider giving a presentation at the symposium. You will find the link to the abstract manager at the bottom of the symposium website.

Web: http://demografi.dk/the-19th-nordic-demographic-symposium.html

We hope you will distribute the information in your network.


– On behalf of the planning committee and Danish Demographic Society

Lene Tølbøll Blenstrup