Social Ulighed og de Danske Medier

Mandag d. 23. februar 2015 afholdes generalforsamling i Dansk Sociologforening. Forud for forsamlingen har vi arrangeret paneldebat om repræsentation af social ulighed i de danske medier. Paneldebatten foregår i Christian Hansen auditoriet (Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 København K, lokale 34.1.01) kl. 17.00 – 19.00. Arrangementet er åbent og alle er velkomne. 

Journalist fra DR2 Debatten, Bjarke Hartmeyer Christiansen, vil styre debatten, og panellisterne er:

Ida Willig (RUC)

Lars Benjaminsen (SFI)

Henrik Dahl

Christina Fiig (AU)

Teaser: Social ulighed er igen kommet på dagsordenen. Vi hører dagligt om en stigende polarisering af rig og fattig, og den stigende økonomiske ulighed er udråbt som blandt de allerstørste udfordringer, som den vestlige verden står over for i disse år. Spørgsmålet er imidlertid, hvilken rolle medierne spiller i at sætte social ulighed på dagsordenen. Formålet med paneldebatten er at give nogle forsøgsvise svar på dette spørgsmål. De fire debattanter diskuterer tre overordnede spørgsmål: 1. Hvilke og hvis stemmer hører vi i debatten? 2. Hvordan omtales udsatte grupper i medierne i dag – og med hvilke konsekvenser? 3. Har journaliststanden som erhvervsgruppe og medierne mere generelt overhovedet en interesse i at belyse social ulighed og genintroducere ”klassekampen” som tema? Arrangementet starter med, at panelet diskuterer disse spørgsmål, og efterfølgende åbnes der for salen. Vel mødt til en vigtig diskussion om social ulighed og de danske medier.

Efter debatten inviteres alle medlemmer af foreningen til generalforsamling i lokale 16.2.55. Dette er kun for medlemmer af Dansk Sociologforening. Der serveres en let anretning inden generalforsamlingen.

Materiale til generalforsamlingen finder du her


Structures and Events – a Dialogue between

History and Sociology

7th Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS),

29 June to1 July 2015, Bielefeld University, Germany

What are structures? What are events? How do they relate to each other? These questions are of pivotal theoretical and methodological importance both in History and Sociology. They have informed and shaped debates between structuralist and (inter-)actionist theories and between structural and event history. More recently, approaches in both disciplines have begun to focus on the interplay and interdependence of structures and events. These approaches emphasise, for instance, the salience of social practices, cultures of commemoration, historical memories as well as path dependencies and critical junctures. They thereby make the complex and diverse entanglements of structures and events visible, both at the “macro”- and “micro”-levels: At the macro-level certain events disrupt and re-shape social, cultural, economic and political structures and sometimes become elements and/or causes of social transformations (e.g. revolutions, natural catastrophes, discoveries or inventions). At the micro-level, deliberate or accidental violations of behavioural norms can be described as critical events which make the vulnerability of norms visible but simultaneously contribute to their stabilisation and/or transformation. Finally, the interplay of global structures and local events, on which globalisation studies and global history focus, calls into question traditional micro/macro-dichotomies and poses the challenge of their theorisation.

The 7th BGHS Annual Seminar aims to deepen the dialogue between History and Sociology, and especially between junior scholars of both disciplines (PhD students and Postdoc-level) whose work tackles with the differences and entanglements of structures and events. Despite some notable exceptions, both History and Sociology have tended to study these issues within their disciplinary b oundaries. The Annual Seminar intends to bring these different traditions of research together in order to identify promising lines of inquiry and to advance a more comprehensive and interdisciplinary understanding of how structures and events relate to each other.

We are therefore interested in theoretical, methodological as well as empirical papers from History and Sociology, but also from related disciplines like Anthropology, Ethnology or Political Science. In order to further the interdisciplinary dialogue we especially welcome papers comparing and combining approaches and insights from various disciplines. Possible topics and questions for papers may include, but are not limited to:

– Promising theoretical approaches: How do the different disciplines theorise and think about “structures” and “events” and the different ways in which they interlink and influence each other? How can approaches and insights from sociology help to better understand relevant questions in history and vice versa?

– Methodological issues: Are events to be construed as evidence, examples, illustrations or manifestations of structures? Can structures be described and studied without referring to events and vice versa? Can structures be reduced to sequences of events or are they to be considered as emergent phenomena?

– Crucial events: What makes some events more important than others? How do certain events become “shapers” or “makers” of social structures and social transformations? What role do critical moments like lapses or faux pas in face-to-face interaction play not only in their immediate but also in a wider societal context? What do events like the French Revolution, the fall of the Berlin Wall, 9/11, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers or the Fukushima nuclear accident tell us about the interplay of structures and events and the possibility/capacity of events to influence and change structures?

– Global structures and local events, local structures and global events: How do global social, economic, political and cul tural structures and events impact upon and shape local events and practices? How much “resistance” is possible for local practices and cultures in the face of global structures? And how do some local events become signifiers of globality (e.g. Olympic Games)?

– Historical memories in discourses about the present and future: What role do social and historical memories play in societal discourses and practices? How are some past events construed as “historical lessons” able to guide actors in apparently structurally similar situations (e.g. the Munich conference of 1938 and the effects of “appeasement politics”)? How do societies observe and narrate their history and envisage their future – and what relative weight do they thereby assign to key events (e.g. major wars, declarations of independence) and the continuity or change of certain structures (e.g. the contemporary idea of an ever-faster changing world)?

Please send your proposal (approx. 400 words) to by 31 January 2015. Authors of selected proposals will be notified no later than 28 February 2015. The conference papers (approx. 15 to 20 pages) are to be submitted by 15 June 2015.

The BGHS will cover accommodation costs. Participants may additionally apply for a grant for their travel expenses if they have no other institutional sources of funding.

For further information on the BGHS, please visit our website at


We are pleased to inform you that the call for papers for ISSA in June 2015 in Paris is extended. The new deadline is Thursday 15 January 2015.

Please find attached the call for papers. 

You can submit your abstract on our website:

Best regards

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 Chèr(e)s  collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que la date limite de soumission des propositions de communication pour le colloque de l’ISSA 2015 qui aura lieu à Paris du 9 au 12 juin 2015 est repoussée au jeudi 15 janvier 2015.

Vous trouverez l’appel à communication en pièce jointe.

Les propositions de communication se font en ligne:


Suivez nous sur facebook:

Organizing committee / comité d'organisation
ISSA 2015


Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Anders Blok & Tobias Bornakke

Fremvæksten af store databaser bestående af digitale spor fra menneskelige handlinger og interaktioner har – parallelt med den bredere kulturelle og politiske hype omkring ’big data’ – givet anledning til fornyede diskussioner af den empiriske sociologis fremtid. Fra flere kanter ytres bekymringer over den empiriske sociologis kommende krise, idet disciplinens metoder og ekspertise i stigende grad overflødiggøres via rutinemæssige administrative og kommercielle data-teknikker. Mere optimistiske analyser hylder de store digitale data som en nyskabelse med potentiale til at besvare denne bekymring og genopfinde den empiriske  sociologi som en avanceret form for social-fysisk netværksanalyse i det fremvoksende tværfagligt forskningsfelt ’computational social science’. I dette oplæg skitserer vi disse verserende diskussioner, og relaterer dem til egne igangværende erfaringer fra et større tværfagligt forskningsprojekt, Sensible DTU/Social Fabric, baseret på flerstrengede registreringer af mobiltelefon-data blandt en årgang af DTU-studerende (N1000). Modsat de dominerende fortolkninger vil vi særligt betone de mange ”åbne” spørgsmål omkring data-kvalitet, -behandling, -analyse og –visualisering, som opstår i den praktiske omgang med store digitale databaser – og som i sidste ende bliver afgørende for, hvordan sociologien kan og bør bidrage til en verden af store data.

Anders Blok er lektor på Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet. Hans forskning handler primært om relationer mellem videnskab, teknologi og samfund, med særligt fokus på miljø- og klimaproblematikker. Herudover interesserer han sig for de metodiske og videnskabsteoretiske aspekter af store digitale data i socialvidenskaben, og deltager her i et større tværfagligt forskningsprojekt (Sensible DTU/Social Fabric) med fokus på sociale netværk.

Tobias Bornakke er PhD studerende på Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet. I hans forskning undersøger han hvordan digitale data og metoder skaber nye måder at undersøge og navigerer det sociale, igennem teknikker som bl.a. data visualisering og social netværksanalyse. Hans arbejde er primært bundet op på det tværinstitutionelle Social Fabric projekt, hvor han sammen med andre forskere fra KU analyserer store mængder af mobildata indsamlet fra en årgang af DTU studerende.

Tid: Tirsdag den 2. december 2014, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.

Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne! Efterfølgende byder vi på vand, øl og snacks.

Nyhedsbrev fra Dansk Sociologforening, november 2014

Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Anders Blok & Tobias Bornakke

STORE DIGITALE DATA I SOCIOLOGIEN – store forhåbninger – små skridt?

Fremvæksten af store databaser bestående af digitale spor fra menneskelige handlinger og interaktioner har – parallelt med den bredere kulturelle og politiske hype omkring ’big data’ – givet anledning til fornyede diskussioner af den empiriske sociologis fremtid. Fra flere kanter ytres bekymringer over den empiriske sociologis kommende krise, idet disciplinens metoder og ekspertise i stigende grad overflødiggøres via rutinemæssige administrative og kommercielle data-teknikker. Mere optimistiske analyser hylder de store digitale data som en nyskabelse med potentiale til at besvare denne bekymring og genopfinde den empiriske sociologi som en avanceret form for social-fysisk netværksanalyse i det fremvoksende tværfagligt forskningsfelt ’computational social science’. I dette oplæg skitserer vi disse verserende diskussioner, og relaterer dem til egne igangværende erfaringer fra et større tværfagligt forskningsprojekt, Sensible DTU/Social Fabric, baseret på flerstrengede registreringer af mobiltelefon-data blandt en årgang af DTU-studerende (N≈1000). Modsat de dominerende fortolkninger vil vi særligt betone de mange ”åbne” spørgsmål omkring data-kvalitet, -behandling, -analyse og –visualisering, som opstår i den praktiske omgang med store digitale databaser – og som i sidste ende bliver afgørende for, hvordan sociologien kan og bør bidrage til en verden af store data.

Anders Blok er lektor på Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet. Hans forskning handler primært om relationer mellem videnskab, teknologi og samfund, med særligt fokus på miljø- og klimaproblematikker. Herudover interesserer han sig for de metodiske og videnskabsteoretiske aspekter af store digitale data i socialvidenskaben, og deltager her i et større tværfagligt forskningsprojekt (Sensible DTU/Social Fabric) med fokus på sociale netværk.

Tobias Bornakke er PhD studerende på Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet. I hans forskning undersøger han hvordan digitale data og metoder skaber nye måder at undersøge og navigerer det sociale, igennem teknikker som bl.a. data visualisering og social netværksanalyse. Hans arbejde er primært bundet op på det tværinstitutionelle Social Fabric projekt, hvor han sammen med andre forskere fra KU analyserer store mængder af mobildata indsamlet fra en årgang af DTU studerende.

Tid: Tirsdag den 2. december 2014, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.

Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne! Efterfølgende byder vi på vand, øl og snacks.


Generalforsamling d. 23. februar 2015

Vi afholder generalforsamling d. 23. februar 2015 på Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5, hvor der først afholdes paneldebat om ulighed i medier, kl. 17-19. Paneldebattører bliver Henrik Dahl, Ida Willig, Nanna Mik-Meyer og Christina Fiig. Ordstyrer til debatten bliver journalist fra DR2 Debatten, Bjarke H. Christiansen.

Efter debatten vil der være lidt let at spise og drikke ved 19-tiden. Derefter generalforsamling 19.45.

Vi vil rigtig gerne have nye bestyrelsesmedlemmer og suppleanter. Skriv til næstformand Kristian Karlson ( hvis du er interesseret.



Prague Summer Schools are seven-day academic programs designed to bring together undergraduate and graduate students of various nationalities and academic backgrounds to enjoy their summer holidays in the unique academic and cultural environment.

The Prague´s NGO SCHOLA EMPIRICA is pleased to announce the forthcoming Prague Summer Schools on the following topics:

European Summer Institute on the Future of Europe: Lobbying in Brussels

Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology

Summer School on European Politics: Interests versus Culture?

Summer School on China: A World Superpower – Myth or Reality?

Summer School on New Development Cooperation: Breaking the Chains of Poverty

Summer School on Education: The Future of School

Summer School on Globalization 3.0: Production and Consumption

Summer School on Behavioral Economics and Psychology

When? 4-11 July 2015

Where? Summer Schools will take place in Prague, Czech Republic

We invite you to visit our website to discover the details about the upcoming programs. The website will direct you to the individual page of each summer program containing information on academics, logistics, photos, alumni feedback, guidelines to application process, and online application.

We also encourage students to submit their applications to Prague Summer Schools 2015 by the Early Bird Application Deadline of January 31, 2015. The Final Deadline is March 31, 2015.

Should you have any questions regarding the Prague Summer Schools or application process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to your application!!!

With best regards,

Egle Havrdova, Ph.D.
Program Director
Na zájezdu 4, Praha 10
Czech Republic

Moderniteten som permanent liminalitet?

Foredrag ved Bjørn Thomassen, Institut for samfund og globalisering, Roskilde Universitet, 8. oktober 2014. På baggrund af den netop udgivne bog, Liminality and the Modern. Living Through the In-Between, diskuterer Bjørn Thomassen, hvilken rolle ’liminalitet’ måtte have for samfundsvidenskaberne og den sociologiske tænkning. Liminalitet -et begreb, oprindelig udviklet inden for antropologien- betegner de historiske øjeblikke, hvor den sociale orden, der normalt tages for givet, pludselig forsvinder. Begrebet om ”liminalitet” er relevant for studiet af revolution, men også for en mere generel begrebsliggørelse af forandring og samfundstransformation. På et metateoretisk plan kan man derfor diagnosticere modernitetens væsen som en særlig form for ”permanent liminalitet”. Liminality and the Modern. Living Through the In-Between, Ashgate, 2014


The 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) will take place 13th-17th July 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland.

The scientific committee invites researchers who are active in the field of survey research and survey methodology to submit paper proposals.

To submit a presentation abstract, sign up or log in to the ESRA website ( After logging in to your account, click “Submit paper” and follow the instructions. You may submit a maximum of two papers on which you are enlisted as presenting author.

The closing date for submission of paper proposals is 15 January 2015.

Paper proposals are invited in any area of survey methodology, or in substantive applications of survey research. We encourage proposals from researchers with a variety of backgrounds, including academic research, national statistics and market research.

The following are examples of topics that are of particular interest:

• Sample designs, coverage, and sampling

• Fieldwork processes

• Unit and item nonresponse

• Weighting and imputation

• Questionnaire development, testing and piloting

• Interviewers and interviewer effects

• Mixing modes and mode effects

• Online survey methods

• Surveys using mobile devices

• Linking survey data to auxiliary data sources

• Using paradata to evaluate survey quality

• Methods for cross-national and cross-cultural surveys

• Longitudinal surveys and longitudinal analysis techniques

• Methodological considerations specific to certain survey modes: face-to-face, phone, web, mail, etc.

• Analysing, monitoring and reducing the Total Survey Error

• Data documentation, archiving and data access

• Survey analysis techniques

• Election polling and public opinion

• Social indicators

• Substantive applications of survey research

A complete overview of all sessions that are organized can be consulted on the following link:

Poster session – New this year is that also a poster session will be organized. To submit a poster rather than a paper presentation, select ‘Poster submission’ in the session list during the session selection procedure.

Early career prize – Researchers within two years of the completion of their doctorate, or within five years of starting a career in survey research, will be eligible to enter their paper for the ESRA Early-Career Researcher prize. The winning paper will be awarded a prize of 500 Euros. More information about the Early-Career Researcher award will be announced on the conference website in due course.

The SQP research paper award which includes a prize money of € 1,000 will be announced at the conference. The award is given for the best paper describing an application or a methodological comment on the use of the Survey Quality Predictor (SQP). The papers should be sent to RECSM before the 1st of March 2015. For more detailed information about the requirements, quality criteria and evaluation process, please check the RECSM website:

The organizing committee – Bart Meuleman, Annelies Blom, Eldad Davidov, Gudbjorg Andrea Jonsdottir, Nick Allum, Patrick Sturgis

The Signature of Power: towards an analytics of power for the social sciences

Foredrag af Mitchell Dean, Professor of Public Governance at Copenhagen Business School and Professor of Sociology, University of Newcastle, Australia, 17 september 2014.
The Signature of Power expands the analysis of power beyond its current widespread limitation, within sociology and the social sciences, to diverse and localized social relations, found in governance, networks or civil society, and its exclusion or diminution of law, sovereignty, state, and their rituals and symbols. Contrary to this, the idea of a ‘signature of power’ stresses a reversibility between two changing poles: power to and power over, power as capacity and power as right, juridical-sovereignty and economic management, reign and government. It explores this signature through three perspectives: that of Michel Foucault’s genealogy of power and government, Carl Schmitt’s political theology, and Giorgio Agamben’s theological genealogy of economy and government. It argues that each of them tries and fails to escape the signature of power, but in the process that we learn about the renewal of both the study of power and the social sciences. This renewal includes a focus, inter alia, on public-ness and publicity, legitimacy, ceremony, acclamation and symbols, and the theological elements of the most rationalized of political and economic forms.