Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Annette Olesen, Syddansk Universitet.

I Danmark hæfter domfældte i straffesager for de nødvendige omkostninger, der er medgået til behandlingen af deres sag. Disse udgifter består bl.a. af forsvarssalær, udgifter til tekniske undersøgelser, DNA-analyser og lægeerklæringer. Idømmes domfældte en fængselsstraf, løslades pågældende til en offentlig gæld, der ofte virker som en uoverskuelig og ubetalelig ekstra straf. Gældssituationen påvirker de løsladte forskelligt. De løsladte, der forsøger at leve kriminalitetsfrit, oplever i højere grad de negative følger af gælden, hvorimod de løsladte der genoptager en kriminel løbebane gerne udvikler alternative handlingsstrategier, der kompenserer for de negative følger af gælden.

Annette Olesen (1982), cand. scient. soc. og ph.d. (jura), adjunkt på Juridisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet. Hendes ph.d.-afhandling “Løsladt og gældsat” danner baggrunden for oplægget.

Tid: Onsdag d. 2. april 2014, 17.00-19.00.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.


Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne!

Nyhedsbrev fra Dansk Sociologforening, marts 2014.

Call for papers til Nordisk Demografisk Symposium 2014,  som Dansk Demografisk Forening er værter for. Symposiet har temaet Regional Development og finder sted i dagene mellem den 18. og den 20. september 2014 på Nordkraft og i Utzon Center på havnefronten i Aalborg. Se alle oplysninger her:

Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Annette Olesen, Syddansk Universitet:

Løsladt og gældsat

I Danmark hæfter domfældte i straffesager for de nødvendige omkostninger, der er medgået til behandlingen af deres sag. Disse udgifter består bl.a. af forsvarssalær, udgifter til tekniske undersøgelser, DNA-analyser og lægeerklæringer. Idømmes domfældte en fængselsstraf, løslades pågældende til en offentlig gæld, der ofte virker som en uoverskuelig og ubetalelig ekstra straf. Gældssituationen påvirker de løsladte forskelligt. De løsladte, der forsøger at leve kriminalitetsfrit, oplever i højere grad de negative følger af gælden, hvorimod de løsladte der genoptager en kriminel løbebane gerne udvikler alternative handlingsstrategier, der kompenserer for de negative følger af gælden.

 Annette Olesen (1982), cand. scient. soc. og ph.d. (jura), adjunkt på Juridisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet. Hendes ph.d.-afhandling “Løsladt og gældsat” danner baggrunden for oplægget

 Tid: Onsdag d. 2. april 2014, 17.00-19.00.

 Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

 På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.

Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne!


Tidsskriftet Dansk Sociologi indkalder hermed artikler til kommende åbne numre med beregnet udgivelse i efteråret 2014 samt foråret 2015.

Tidsskriftet er et videnskabeligt funderet sociologisk tidsskrift. Det henvender sig til alle med interesse for aktuelle samfundsmæssige spørgsmål.

Tidsskriftet er især relevant for forskere, undervisere og fagfolk, som i deres arbejde er beskæftiget med sociologiske problemstillinger. Tidsskriftet henvender sig imidlertid også til læsere, som blot er nysgerrige efter at vide, hvad sociologien som fag beskæftiger sig med. Dansk Sociologi udkommer fire gange om året.

Vi i redaktionen håber meget, du vil finde interesse i at formidle din forskning i tidsskriftet. Alle artikler, som redaktionen vurderer egnede, gennemgår peer review. Skrivevejledning og andre informationer finder du på www.dansksociologi.dk


Foredrag af Nikolas Kompridis

The Department of sociology, University of Copenhagen, has in cooperation with the Research group “Knowledge, uncertainty and trust” and the Danish Sociological Association invited:

Professor Nikolas Kompridis,  Research professor and director of the Institute for Social Justice, Australian Catholic University Sydney.

Professor Kompridis gives two talks. He is the third guest in the department’s lecture series about the fourth generation of critical theory

•Struggling for Recognition or Building Receptivity? Rethinking Politics and Critique in the Age of the Anthropocene.

May 20 (Tuesday): 13-15. CSS 16.2.55. In cooperation with the research group “Knowledge, uncertainty and trust”

Abstract: “In this talk, I argue for a shift of ethico-political paradigm from recognition to receptivity. The proposed shift of paradigm from recognition to receptivity allows us to rethink our obligations to, and the challenges of, diverse others, human and non-human, in ways that overcome the limitations of Hegel’s recognition model and its contemporary iterations. And it refigures 21st century politics as a politics of building receptivity rather than of struggling for recognition.”

•Rethinking Democracy’s Relation to Crisis: Is the Concept of Crisis itself in Crisis?

May 21 (Wednesday) 17-19. CSS 1.1.18. In cooperation with the Danish sociological association

Abstract: ”In this talk I will make two seemingly dissonant but interrelated claims: 1) that “crisis” in a strictly defined sense is internal to democracy, both inescapable and necessary, from which circumstance distinctive normative, conceptual and institutional implications follow, and 2) that the concept of “crisis” is itself in crisis, making it an increasingly suspect if not meaningless category of diagnosis and critique.”

Both talks are public. The first one is more seminar-like. You are welcome to contact Mikael Carleheden (mc@soc.ku.dk) to get material for the seminar.

Kompridis research areas are Critical theory; democratic theory; theories of agency and action; theories of rationality; theories of identity, recognition, and culture; secularism and modernity; the role of social criticism in social change; the renewal of romanticism; and issues in philosophy of art, literature, music and film. Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Adorno, Arendt, Habermas, Foucault, Taylor, Cavell.

His latest book is: The Aesthetic Turn in Political Thought. London; New York: Continuum. See also; Critique and disclosure: critical theory between past and future. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.



We’re pleased to announce that the registration for the second bi-annual conference of the ESA Sociology of Religion Research Network in Belfast (3-5. September 2014) is now open.

See below for more information, including a reminder of key dates and deadlines, including 18 April for the submission of abstracts and 30 June for the end of reduced, early-bird registration fees.

Conference website: http://belfast2014.esareligion.org/

Dates & Deadlines in 2014

March 14 Submission of abstracts and online registration starts (Please email your abstracts, both in the text of the email and as a Word attachment, to belfast2014@esareligion.org. Abstracts can be submitted both for papers and the postgraduate posters and should not exceed 250 words.)

April 18 Submission of abstracts ends

May 9 Acceptance of abstracts

June 30 Early-bird registration ends

September 3 – 5 Conference


Details on fees and registration at:http://belfast2014.esareligion.org/fees/

Should you have any questions, please email me at: ma.kolodziejska@gmail.com

With kind regards,

Marta Kołodziejska

ESA RN 34 Communications Officer


5th Conference of European Society of Studies in Symbolic Interaction

August 27th – 29th 2014

Aalborg University, Denmark

The Times they Are a-Changin’

The Significance of Symbolic Interactionism in Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities

The theme of the conference is how the tradition of symbolic interactionism is applied and elaborated in contemporary research on social processes such as communication, identity, and everyday life. It explores the theoretical and methodological challenges symbolic interactionism faces in the light of the social transformation of modernity, and the following developments within the social sciences and humanities.

The conference invites presentations offering analyses of contemporary mind, self or society from a symbolic interactionist perspective, as well as presentations that consider theoretical and methodological changes within the perspective of symbolic interactionism over time, as well as challenges within contemporary society.



KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Patricia Adler, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Peter Adler, University of Denver, USA

Margareta Bertilsson, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Nick Crossley, University of Manchester, UK

Philip Lalander, Malmoe University, Sweden


Deadline for submission of paper: April 15th 2014

Deadline for conference registration and payment: July 10th 2014


–          Og hvorfor så sociologerne heller ikke den finansielle krise komme?

Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Ole Bjerg, CBS.

Med afsæt i bogen Gode penge – Et kontant svar på gældskrisen (2013) præsenterer Ole Bjerg en analyse af den nuværende økonomiske krise, der lokaliserer problemet i selve den måde, som nye penge skabes og sættes i cirkulation. Analysen lægger blandt andet op til en diskussion af, hvorvidt sociologien overhovedet er klædt på til at forholde sig til de mest presserende problemer i vor tid.

Tid: Mandag d. 24. februar 2014, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, , Øster Farimagsgade 5 a, lokale 1.1.18.

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 1.
Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 1 er ved indgang “A”. Gå til venstre i porten og op til 1. sal til lokale 18.

Gratis og åbent for alle interesserede.



18th – 20th September 2014
Nordkraft & Utzon Center, Aalborg, Denmark

Regional development with a focus on rural areas

The Planning Committee of the Nordic Demographic Symposium 2014 is pleased to open for paper abstracts. The submission deadline is April 15th, 2014, after which proposals will be evaluated and organized into sessions.

The topic for the symposium is Regional development with a focus on rural areas; however we welcome papers on all topics related to demography. There will be a mix of plenary sessions with keynote speakers and parallel panel sessions.

The symposium will take place at the harbour front in the city centre of Aalborg, Denmark. Here, years of effort to transform the city’s old industrial identity into an image characterising the city as being modern, enterprising and a centre of knowledge has resulted in the transformation of the old coal-powered power plant, Nordkraft, into a centre for culture, learning and sports and the building of the Utzon Center and Musikkens hus, the latter to be opened in Marts 2014. In these surroundings, the 19th Nordic Demographic Symposium will take place.


In the last 20-25 years, areas far away from the big cities have undergone significant demographic changes. In the public debate, words are that these areas are being depopulated; young women are seeking educational attainment in cities and metropolitan areas, while young men are left behind. Further, unemployment rates in these areas are high. Houses are empty and public institutions are fever just as local administrations struggle to cover the expenses for a growing number of elderly people. At the same time local employers have difficulties in attracting higher educated employees.

The wish for this symposium is to communicate the latest research in this field. The questions to answer could be: Which challenges do small cities and rural areas face in the future with respect to the population size and composition? What characterise areas that experience different developments? How has this development been administered, and does one find municipalities having managed to change a negative development and prosper as a community?

Submission and more information

If you wish to submit an abstract and present a paper related to demography at the symposium, please visit the symposium webpage for more information on the requirements for abstracts and the submission process as well as on other information relevant to the Symposium.


We welcome the abstracts no later than April 15th. We’re looking forward to seeing you all in Aalborg!

On behalf of the Planning Committee
Lene Tølbøll Blenstrup
Head of board, Danish Demographic Society

Travel grant for MA students

It has been decided to award up to four stipends to MA students, covering the conference fee, accommodation, and travel costs not exceeding 1.500,- DKR.

Eligible applicants must be either current or recent (graduated after June 2012) MA students studying demography or demography-related issues, who are paying members of one of the national demographic societies. The grantee must present a paper at the Nordic Demographic Symposium.

Applicants have to submit an abstract for the symposium as described above AND send an extended abstract (2-4 pages) or a full paper to the Planning Committee (info@demografi.dk) along with a short letter stating that this is an application for a MA travel grant.

The Planning Committee, Danish Demographic Society

Nyhedsbrev fra Dansk Sociologforening, februar 2014.

Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer spændende foredrag:

Hvor kommer penge fra?

– Og hvorfor så sociologerne heller ikke den finansielle krise komme?

 Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Ole Bjerg, CBS.

Med afsæt i bogen Gode penge – Et kontant svar på gældskrisen (2013) præsenterer Ole Bjerg en analyse af den nuværende økonomiske krise, der lokaliserer problemet i selve den måde, som nye penge skabes og sættes i cirkulation. Analysen lægger blandt andet op til en diskussion af, hvorvidt sociologien overhovedet er klædt på til at forholde sig til de mest presserende problemer i vor tid.

 Tid: Mandag d. 24. februar 2013, 17-19.

Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, , Øster Farimagsgade 5 a, lokale 1.1.18.

På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 1.

Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 1 er ved indgang “A”. Gå til venstre i porten og op til 1. sal til lokale 18.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne!

Løsladt og gældsat

 Dansk Sociologforening præsenterer foredrag ved Annette Olesen, Syddansk Universitet.

 I Danmark hæfter domfældte i straffesager for de nødvendige omkostninger, der er medgået til behandlingen af deres sag. Disse udgifter består bl.a. af forsvarssalær, udgifter til tekniske undersøgelser, DNA-analyser og lægeerklæringer. Idømmes domfældte en fængselsstraf, løslades pågældende til en offentlig gæld, der ofte virker som en uoverskuelig og ubetalelig ekstra straf. Gældssituationen påvirker de løsladte forskelligt. De løsladte, der forsøger at leve kriminalitetsfrit, oplever i højere grad de negative følger af gælden, hvorimod de løsladte der genoptager en kriminel løbebane gerne udvikler alternative handlingsstrategier, der kompenserer for de negative følger af gælden.

 Annette Olesen (1982), cand. scient. soc. og ph.d. (jura), adjunkt på Juridisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet. Hendes ph.d.-afhandling “Løsladt og gældsat” danner baggrunden for oplægget.

 Tid: Onsdag d. 2. april 2014, 17.00-19.00.

 Sted: Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5,1014 København K, lokale 2.0.63

 På dette link ses adressen og lokalet, som er i bygning 2.

Gå ind på kortet (3. linie under billedet), bygning 2 er ved indgang “D”. Gå til højre i porten og ind til lokale 63, som ligger i stuen.

Foredraget er gratis og alle er velkomne!


Nordisk Sociologkongres

Næste Nordiske Sociologkongres afholdes i Lund den 14-16 august 2014.

Der er åbent for indsendelse af abstracts indtil den 15. april 2014 og for tidlig tilmelding indtil 15. maj 2014.

Yderligere oplysninger om konferencen kan ses på kongressens hjemmeside: http://nsa2014.se


XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology

Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology. Yokohama, Japan July 13-19, 2014

 The conference is open for early registration until April 1, 2014

 Further information at the congress website: http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/


European Sociological Association PhD Summer School 2014

University of York, UK July 27th-29th: ‘A SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY’

CALL FOR APPLlCATIONS deadline March 17th 2014


Call for Papers (Deadline 31 March 2014)

EuroChallenge and the University of Copenhagen are hosting:

The Third Midterm Conference of the European Political Sociology Research Network (RN32) of ESA (European Sociological Association)

Further information: www.eurochallenge.ku.dk


Call for Papers

(Deadline 31 March 2014)

EuroChallenge and the University of Copenhagen

are hosting

The Third Midterm Conference of the European Political Sociology Research Network (RN32) of ESA (European Sociological Association)


Ben Rosamond, Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen and Director of EuroChallenge.

Hans-Jörg Trenz, Professor at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen. Chair of CEMES, Centre for Moderns European Studies and Co-PI of EuroChallenge.

Marlene Wind, Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. Director of CEP, Centre for European Politics and Co-PI of EuroChallenge.

Mikael Rask Madsen, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Head of iCourts, the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence for International Courts and Co-PI of EuroChallenge.

Time and place
28-29 November 2014 at the University of Copenhagen Conference Topic
Europe’s global challenges: Society, Politics, Markets

Europe finds itself in a time of turmoil and crisis. This conference will provide a platform for discussing the internal crisis of the project of European integration in relation to the global challenges, which European societies are currently facing. We wish to examine the role of political sociology as a discipline that can enhance the understanding of ever more complex relationships between (nation) states, supranational institutions and (trans)national society. We also wish to develop a more thorough understanding of the consequences of crises for state-society relations in a comparative perspective and in relation to the project of European integration.

The first transformations that concern European political sociology are Europe’s own internal crises. Western societies in general and European societies (including Eastern Europe) in particular have seen their growth models stall and, in some cases, fall into decline. Europe as a whole faces a serious social and demographic challenges. The question of how to ‘govern’ these internal challenges poses a series of near-intractable political, social and cultural problems. These include the rise of populist and neo-nationalist political parties, the growing hostility to immigration, the sustainability of our welfare systems, and the politicised struggles over distribution, gender and collective identification within the European political space. The second transformation that concerns European political sociology is the changing premises of globalisation. The moment of crisis is connected to the fact that the west’s leadership across a range of domains – political, legal, cultural, normative – seems to be in serious decline. The premise of ‘globalisation’ has been that the progressive spread of market society and economic liberal policies through the promotion of free trade, capital mobility and the removal of other barriers to transactions across borders would not only deliver absolute positive-sum gains across the world economy, but also facilitate the global spread of human rights and liberal democracy. The shift away from globalisation leads to a return of political and economic nationalism, regionalism and localism and a new cultural particularism. Similarly, in the areas of normative politics – human rights, democracy, equality and diversity – Europe is facing severe problems maintaining its position as a key producer of ‘universals’. While still universalist in aspiration, central notions such as ‘civic rights’ ‘citizenship’ and ‘social equality’ are currently under heavily contested by new political actors and movements that stretch beyond the European political space.

The negotiation of the relationship between (a) the EU’s internal crisis and (b) Europe’s responses to global challenges raises fundamental questions about the direction, dynamics, legitimacy and future viability of the European project. Here the question of how the dynamics of globalisation and Europe’s global challenges are dealt with at the meso- level (‘Europe of the Nations’, ‘Europe of the regions’) and micro-level (‘Europe of the suburbs’) is pivotal.

The Third European Political Sociology Midterm Conference will be organized around three sub-sections:

Subsection 1: The European Socio-cultural Space and the New Global Order

Here we invite contributions dealing with political culture, media and the public sphere in a trans-nationalising context. How can we capture the socio-cultural and identity cleavages in relation to ongoing political struggles and the challenges to the welfare state? How do reactions to crisis heighten media attention and give salience to ethnic, cultural and gender cleavages in Europe? How does the confrontation with the present crisis contribute to the reconfiguration of social and cultural spaces facilitating or inhibiting transcultural encounters and exchange of understandings? How are issues of welfare chauvinism connected to fears of a ‘demographic winter’ among the diverse polities in Europe.

Subsection 2: The European Legal-Politico Space and the New Global Order

Here, we invite contributions dealing with the current contestation and reconfiguration of political order and its legitimacy. How effectively, given the scale of the EU’s own crisis, can EU institutions manage the intra-European effects of this new global configuration? In what ways, to what extent and with what political, legal and social instruments are European and domestic (national, regional and local) policy-makers and citizens contesting political and economic choices in the shifting global configuration? From a classical political sociology perspective, we wish to examine the transformations of European leadership and the elites in the enlarged Europe in a global context. How does the erosion of citizen trust affect the constitution of social and political authority and leadership in Europe? How do the claims of new groups and rules of representation transform the roles of elites in Europe? From the perspective of democracy and rights, we wish to ask what role is played by the forms of active citizenship (resilience strategies, social movements, etc.) in this context? How are law, political rights, citizenship and democracy redefined in this process of contestation of the contours of political order? How are global problems administrated by urban and regional governance and how are they perceived subjectively in processes of political representation? How are these options accounted for from an intersectional perspective considering systems of class, ethnicity/race, gender and sexuality?

Subsection 3: The European Market Space and the New Global Order

Here we look for contributions dealing with a political economy of Europe in times of crisis. What is the scale of the challenges posed to Europe by the shifting global configuration? How do European policy-makers and institutions conceptualise the changing global economic and political order, and how is the place and role of ‘Europe’ understood in the context of that order? How are fundamental dilemmas (‘market versus democracy’ and ‘competitiveness versus cohesion’) conceived and related to policy formulation at the EU level in this context? How are these options

accounted for from an intersectional perspective (the interplay between class, ethnicity/race, gender, and sexuality) in the wider context of the ‘rush to the bottom’ as part of the continuous striving for economic competitiveness, both internally among various European polities, but also externally between European countries and the rest of the world ? How do cities or regions face the crisis and what are the territorial economical dimensions of globalisation?

Submission of Papers and Panel Proposals

Participants are requested to apply directly to one of the three sections. Panel proposals should include at least three abstracts (max. 200 words). Deadline: Paper abstracts and panel proposals should be submitted online no later than Monday 31 March 2014 at the EuroChallenge website: www.eurochallenge.ku.dk.

Submitters of accepted abstracts will be informed in the beginning of April 2014.
Enquiries should be directed to Research Coordinator at EuroChallenge Majka Holm, mho@ifs.ku.dk.


European Sociological Association PhD Summer School 2014

University of York, UK July 27th-29th



The 2014 Summer School will focus on preparing work for publication. Through the work of students and talks by the teachers it will also reflect on the ‘twenty-first century sociological imagination’.


·      a platform for learning about publishing in peer review journals, publishing strategies and wider career development

·      the opportunity for students to reflect on their own work and how it relates to wider developments in 21st-century Sociology

·      lectures delivered by ESA Executive Committee members

·      seminar groups organized around students’ presentations of their own papers

·      networking opportunities with fellow students from across European Universities and members of the ESA Executive

The Venue

The Summer School is co-organized by Department of Sociology at the University of York in the UK. The University of York is located just outside the historic medieval city of York in the north of England. http://www.york.ac.uk/about/

The Summer School Teachers are all members of the ESA Executive Committee:

Prof. Ellen Annandale (Director) (University of York, UK)

Prof. Maria Carmela Agodi (University of Naples, Ferderico II, Italy)

Prof. Ricca Edmondson (National University of Ireland, Galway)

Prof. Robert Fine (University of Warwick, UK)

Prof. Tally Katz-Gerro (University of Haifa, Israel)


ESA will cover the costs of accommodation and meals during the Summer School. A total of Euro 150 is available for each student towards the costs of travel to and within the UK. Students must bring their own computers.


·      PhD students working on an article in progress. This can be i) in the final stage before initial submission to a journal, ii) post peer review, or ii) at the final editing stage.

·      Candidates must be or must become an ESA member for the application to be considered. http://www.europeansociology.org/membership.html

·      There are 23 student places on the course. The main selection criterion is the quality of the application. However diversity in terms of gender, university, country of study and sociological themes will be taken into account

·      The selected students will be required to send their draft article (in English) by July 1st 2014, so it can be circulated among the teachers and the other students. Further details will be provided to successful applicants

·      The list of participants will be announced by the end of April 2014. For further information email Ellen Annandale, Director of the  Summer School 2014, ellen.annandale@york.ac.uk


·      The deadline for applications is March 17th 2014 (there will be no exceptions).

·      Applications must include all requested information about the student, an abstract of the proposed article, and a short CV, as outlined on the application form.

·      Applications must be emailed to ellen.annandale@york.ac.uk