Thursday 27.05.2021 from 9:00-13:00
On May 27th, The Danish Sociological Association is hosting an online conference entitled Pandemic Societies: a Comparative Perspective. The conference brings together 16 sociological research projects that received competitive Covid-19 Research Grants during 2020.
Researchers present their preliminary findings in four thematic sessions to allow for knowledge exchange and discussion.
The conference language is English and participation is free of charge.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented societal and economic changes, unsettling societies all over the world. Now, more than a year after COVID-19 spread rapidly across the globe, it has become increasingly clear that different communities, groups, regions, and countries experienced the pandemic and its repercussions drastically different. From divergencies in the adaptation of COVID-19 policies, to rising health inequalities and new technologies of surveillance, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed established patterns of social differentiation and vulnerability. The social sciences and sociology have played an active role in enriching our understanding of how different individuals, organizations, and cultures are impacted differently by the same biological threat.
In Denmark, emergency fundings had been granted to numerous projects studying a wide range of issues of the pandemic crisis as it unfolded, providing an unique insight into its social dynamics. The virtual conference “Pandemic Societies: a comparative perspective” aims to facilitate dialogue and discussion about this rich body of research and its (preliminary) results. The focus will be on comparative aspects, between cases, groups or in an international context.

Sign up by writing an e-mail to Nathalie Hauge Hvithamar
By signing up you will also receive a 25% discount code the book “Det epidemiske samfund”Book of abstracts will be published next week.