Digital hadtale i den offentlige debat

Nu er foreningen endelig tilbage med fysiske arrangementer efter en lang online periode. Vi glæder os derfor meget til efterårets første arrangement d. 23/9 om digital hadtale i den offentlige debat! Selvom vi er rigtig glade for igen at kunne mødes fysisk, vil der også stadig være mulighed for at at se arrangementet online via zoom. Læs mere om arrangementet nedenfor. 

 Hvad betyder den hårde tone i den offentlige debat for vores demokrati? Og hvilke muligheder giver digital data og kunstig intelligens sociologien? 

Analyse & Tal har sammen med TrygFonden bygget en algoritme baseret på kunstig intelligens, der kan spore sproglige angreb og hadtale i kommentarsporene på Facebook. De har analyseret 63 millioner Facebook-kommentarer, og resultatet er, at hver 20. kommentar er et sprogligt angreb. Især muslimer og kvinder står for skud. 

Kom og hør om undersøgelsen, når vi i Dansk Sociologiforening får besøg af Tobias Bornakke fra Analyse & Tal. 

Arrangementet finder sted den 23/9 2021 kl. 17-18 i lokale 35.01.05 på Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K.

Online-deltagelse er også muligt, men kræver tilmelding ved at sende en mail til med dit navn. Herefter vil du modtage et link til Zoom.

OBS: Arrangementet er gratis og åbent for alle interesserede. 

Vi serverer kaffe/the til arrangementet. 

Giv os meget gerne et praj om, hvorvidt du kommer ved at trykke ”deltager” på Facebook-begivenheden. Her kan du også finde opdateringer om arrangementet. 

Husk desuden, at du kan følge med i opdateringer i foreningen og tilføjelser til efterårets arrangementer på vores hjemmesideFacebookside og Instagram. Vi glæder os meget til at se jer!  Dansk Sociologiforening

Digital hadtale i den offentlige debat

Hvad betyder den hårde tone i den offentlige debat for vores demokrati? Og hvilke muligheder giver digital data og kunstig intelligens sociologien?

Analyse & Tal har sammen med TrygFonden bygget en algoritme baseret på kunstig intelligens, der kan spore sproglige angreb og hadtale i kommentarsporene på Facebook. De har analyseret 63 millioner Facebook-kommentarer, og resultatet er, at hver 20. kommentar er et sprogligt angreb. Især muslimer og kvinder står for skud.

Kom og hør om undersøgelsen, når vi i Dansk Sociologiforening får besøg af Tobias Bornakke fra Analyse & Tal. 

Arrangementet finder sted den 23/9 2021 kl. 17-18 i lokale 35.01.05 på Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K.

Online-deltagelse er også muligt, men kræver tilmelding ved at sende en mail til med dit navn. Herefter vil du modtage et link til Zoom.

OBS: Arrangementet er gratis og åbent for alle interesserede.

Vi serverer kaffe/the til arrangementet.

Giv os meget gerne et praj om, hvorvidt du kommer ved at trykke ”deltager” på Facebook-begivenheden. Her kan du også finde opdateringer om arrangementet.

Vi glæder os meget til at se jer!

Dansk Sociologiforening

Seminar – Pandemic Societies: a comparative perspective

Thursday 27.05.2021 from 9:00-13:00 

On May 27th, The Danish Sociological Association is hosting an online conference entitled Pandemic Societies: a Comparative Perspective. The conference brings together 16 sociological research projects that received competitive Covid-19 Research Grants during 2020. 

Researchers present their preliminary findings in four thematic sessions to allow for knowledge exchange and discussion. 

The conference language is English and participation is free of charge.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented societal and economic changes, unsettling societies all over the world. Now, more than a year after COVID-19 spread rapidly across the globe, it has become increasingly clear that different communities, groups, regions, and countries experienced the pandemic and its repercussions drastically different. From divergencies in the adaptation of COVID-19 policies, to rising health inequalities and new technologies of surveillance, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed established patterns of social differentiation and vulnerability. The social sciences and sociology have played an active role in enriching our understanding of how different individuals, organizations, and cultures are impacted differently by the same biological threat.

In Denmark, emergency fundings had been granted to numerous projects studying a wide range of issues of the pandemic crisis as it unfolded, providing an unique insight into its social dynamics. The virtual conference “Pandemic Societies: a comparative perspective” aims to facilitate dialogue and discussion about this rich body of research and its (preliminary) results. The focus will be on comparative aspects, between cases, groups or in an international context. 


 Sign up by writing an e-mail to Nathalie Hauge Hvithamar 

By signing up you will also receive a 25% discount code the book “Det epidemiske samfund”Book of abstracts will be published next week.


On May 27th, The Danish Sociological Association is hosting an online conference entitled Pandemic Societies: a Comparative Perspective. The conference brings together 16 sociological research projects that received competitive Covid-19 Research Grants during 2020.

Researchers present their preliminary findings in four thematic sessions to allow for knowledge exchange and discussion.

The conference language is English and participation is free of charge.  

Sign up by writing an e-mail to Nathalie Hauge Hvithamar

By signing up you will also receive a 25% discount code the book “Det epidemiske samfund”

Book of abstracts will be published next week.


Så er forårsprogrammet klar. Dette forår har vi en virtuel konference samt en optaget keynote, der skulle være fundet sted til den aflyste nordiske sociologikongres. Læs længere nede om de to arrangementer.

Husk desuden, at du kan følge med i opdateringer i foreningen på vores hjemmeside, Facebookside og Instagram.

Conference: Pandemic Societies – a comparative perspective

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented societal and economic changes, unsettling societies all over the world. Now, more than a year after COVID-19 spread rapidly across the globe, it has become increasingly clear that different communities, groups, regions, and countries experienced the pandemic and its repercussions drastically different. From divergencies in the adaptation of COVID-19 policies, to rising health inequalities and new technologies of surveillance, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed established patterns of social differentiation and vulnerability. The social sciences and sociology have played an active role in enriching our understanding of how different individuals, organizations, and cultures are impacted differently by the same biological threat. In Denmark, emergency funding had been granted to numerous projects studying a wide range of issues of the pandemic crisis as it unfolded, providing a unique insight into its social dynamics. The virtual conference “Pandemic Societies: a comparative perspective” aims to facilitate dialogue and discussion aboutthis rich body of research and its (preliminary) results. The focus will be on comparative aspects, between cases, groups or in an international context.

Practical information:
The conference will take place via Zoom on May 27th from 09:00-13:00. Participation is free of charge, but you need to sign up by writing to Nathalie Hauge Hvithamar,

Keynote: Hanafi om religion og konflikt i det 21. århundrede

Keynote (online) ved Sari Hanafi, Præsident for den internationale sociologiske forening ISA (2018-2022) og professor of Sociology på American University of Beirut. Prof. Hanafis keynote fra den ellers Covid-aflyste Nordic Sociological Association Conference 2020. Hans keynote er optaget og handler om en sociologisk forståelse af emnet religion og konflikt i det 21 århundrede. Videoen er blevet til med støtte fra Norsk Sosiologforening og Nordic Sociological Association. Der er fri og gratis adgang.

Se og læs mere om hans keynote her

eller se videoen direkte her

De bedste hilsner
Dansk sociologiforening

Call for extended abstracts, videos and slide shows

Online Symposium “Where City and Territory Meet…”

To celebrate the publication of its most recent book (Basics of Urbanism, forthcoming September 2021, Park Books), the Institute of Urbanism at TU Graz under the direction of Prof. Aglaée Degros invites contributions to its online symposium.

How does the territorial project manifest in the actual design of our built environment?

Taking current and historic urban and rural projects as a base to move beyond a reconsideration of the profession’s fundamental goals and means, this online symposium invites theoretical, practical, methodological and empirical contributions that look at how the ongoing societal discourse manifests in space. We understand projects both as the medium and outcome of an amalgam of influences, be they of ecological, economic, cultural, social or political nature. Thus, we welcome extended abstracts which explore how these influences are part of the territorial project and enable its spatial manifestation. We look forward to contributions from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, be they architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, planning or geography, urban studies and policy making.

We particularly encourage submissions that investigate (but are not limited to) the following topic areas and questions in a historical or contemporary perspective:

·          Quality in urban design

·          Justice in urban design

·          Pluridisciplinary and pluridimensional implementation processes

Detailed information on the Call is available on our webpage: 


The online symposium lasts for 1,5 days and contains keynotes by Prof. Aglaée DegrosProf. Emeritus Marcel SmetsDr. Eva Schwab and DI Markus Bogensberger as well as panel discussions, videos and slide shows alongside the paper sessions.

By participating in the online symposium, you will also have the opportunity to qualify for participation in a live symposium at the Haus der Architektur in Graz in February 2022 as well as the corresponding publication. Potential participants for the live event in February 2022 will be contacted after the online symposium.

Submission Deadline: 16.05.2021

Disciplines: architects | landscape architects | urbanists | planners and designers | scholars with a background in planning and design, geography, urban studies | policy makers

Formats: Presentations of research and practice projects, videos and slide shows 

Language: English

Online Tool: webex 


Indkaldelse til generalforsamling


Dansk Sociologiforening indkalder til den årlige generalforsamling i 2021. 

Generalforsamlingen finder sted torsdag den 25. februar, kl. 17:00-19:00 på Zoom.

Tilmelding foregår på mail til studentermedhjælper Nathalie Hauge Hvithamar på 

Punkter til dagsorden modtages af sekretær Lene El Mongy, senest d. 18. februar 2021. 

Dagsorden fremgår af Sociologinyt 2021, der er tilgængelig på her.

På vegne af bestyrelsen 

Anna Ilsøe, formand